Cumming Polo Fields Wedding Day – Frank + Beans

I’ve been so excited for Frank + Brittany’s Cumming Polo Fields wedding day for months! By the time their wedding day arrived, we had spent hours upon hours together. From talking about the possibility of me documenting this day, to their engagement session, to returning those photographs, to walking the grounds of the polo fields the month before their wedding day to further discuss what kind of photographs we could make together in the time we had.

These two decided to do a first look before the wedding ceremony, which gave us time on golf carts to drive the grounds and create a wider variety of images for them. It also allowed Brittany to start her big surprise for Frank. He had no idea there would be two wedding dresses and that she’d be walking down the aisle to him in a completely different dress than what he saw at the start of the day.

This Cumming Polo Fields wedding day included surprises, tears of joy, laughter, a ton of dancing, and possibly a broken leg from the dance floor. Know your tribe and take that into account as you send out your invites people. They can make your wedding day even more memorable!

Bride looking in mirror at her hair with two wedding dresses hanging in the background
Sisters and hair stylist helping attach veil to bride's head
Groom and bride holding hands and smiling at each other
Groom smiling and bride looking down at her bouquet
Anonymous bride and groom kissing with hands stretching around each other's waists
Bride and groom standing close on a hill with big sky over them
Anonymous ride and groom touching fingers while standing close
Groom smiling as his bride walks toward him
Groom watching his bride walked down the aisle by her dad
Father hugging his daughter as he gives her away on her wedding day
Unplugged ceremony sign at Cumming Polo Fields wedding
Bride and groom laughing at Cumming Polo Fields wedding arbor with flowers behind them
Bride laughing big as she puts ring on her fiance's finger at Cumming Polo Fields
Bride smiling at groom during Cumming Polo Fields wedding ceremony
Bride grabbing groom's head and kissing him while he pulls her close around the back of her waist after Cumming Polo Fields wedding ceremony
Bride and groom dancing down the aisle after their wedding ceremony at Cumming Polo Fields
Wedding guest making bunny ears behind DJ's head
Bride and groom dancing and having fun on the dance floor
Bride and groom dancing while friends clap and cheer
Bride's mom and two sisters hugging and crying while watching bride dance with dad
Bride hugging her dad with wedding cake in the background
Father of the bride smiling while giving a toast at Cumming Polo Fields
Smiling bride and groom raising his glass to a toast
Bride and groom cutting into wedding cake at Cumming Polo Fields
Bride opening her mouth for cake from the groom with a funny expression
Groom with friends and family singing and raising hands on the dance floor
Groom singing and pointing with a friend at Cumming Polo Fields
Bride and groom singing and smiling on the Cumming Polo Fields dance floor surrounded by singing friends
Woman lifted off the dance floor with her feet in the air as the bride spins her
Tall bride lifting and spinning a much shorter friend around the dance floor
Beautiful blond bride spinning on the dance floor as her wedding dress flares out under purple lights
Cumming Polo Fields wedding exit with sparklers

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