Updated Headshots at Manley Land Design in Alpharetta – Terri

When you’re one of a crew of people getting your headshot updated, it feels a bit less stressful. The focus isn’t just on you. It’s on everyone. One at a time.

Everyone’s in it together. A team experience. Yet separate.

There’s encouragement. And sometimes a bit of unexpected (or not-so-unexpected) grief is doled out from your team. It brings out bigger, more genuine smiles and a sense of relief. That this isn’t so hard.

That, in fact, it’s easier than you expected. Which is pretty great, considering 7 out of 10 people detest being photographed.

Until now.

Now it’s easy.

And maybe even enjoyable.

As it should be.

Contact Kelley if you’re ready to update yours (and your team’s) headshots for a professional, consistent company website appearance.

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