Professional Headshot in Woodstock for Kason B
If you’re anticipating the release of your new book AND expect to be on the cover of a university magazine, then you might be wanting to update your headshot. At least Kason was in this situation.
We met up. He brought a couple of different options for shirts and blazers. He held each up and we talked through what would look the best in photographs. Then he wore two different options while we were together so he had more options to choose from after loading the images on my computer.
The power of clothes is an interesting phenomenon, but it’s something I routinely see. The better they fit. The more they help us stand out and draw the eye into a photograph. The better we feel about ourselves. The more we love the headshot and are proud to use it to represent ourselves professionally.
So if you’re unsure of what to wear, we’ll work through it and talk about the possibilities of what will work. Or not. We’ll create options. And it will be easy.
Contact Kelley at Pear Tree Photography Atlanta to discuss how we can work together to update your headshot. Whether you need it for a book cover or just to update your LinkedIn profile. I’ve got your back.