Headshots in Roswell for Dongjie

I had the pleasure of photographing Dongjie with her husband a couple of years ago and adored her right from the start. When she emailed me that she had taken a job with a new company and wanted a new headshot, my first question was, “Do you want it to be in front of a plain backdrop or outside?”

She wanted a less formal headshot and asked if we could do it outside her house because her neighborhood is filled with trees and greenery that she loves. I arrived mid-morning and we walked around her home to find shaded areas where she wouldn’t be squinting from the sun. Because who likes photographs of themselves squinting? No one. That’s who.

We moved between three different spots and I had her look at me from different angles. We worked quickly while I looked out for her hair blowing over her neckline (no woman wants a hairy chest. ever.) and that her shirt wasn’t bunching up over her shoulders before we went back inside and I loaded the images onto my computer.

From there, we spent time narrowing down the selection to the images she liked best before looking at them full screen. I toggled between similar images and helped her decide on the one she knew she would be proud to represent herself professionally. I showed before/after options of what a bit of editing looked like while ensuring she still looks like herself (ever seen airbrushing taken too far? yeah? when is that ever a good way to build trust and credibility? never, right?). She paid me and I emailed her the images formatted and optimized for printing, web use, and social media before I left.

All of this in less than an hour from start to finish. Wouldn’t it be nice if everything in our lives was so easy?

Contact Kelley at Pear Tree Photography Atlanta to make updating your headshot this quick, easy, and stress-free.

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