CPA Professional Headshot in Canton

Travis needed to update his CPA professional headshot in Canton and found me on Google. I love that Google brings all the fun people to me. Travis was easy to work with and made what I do even more enjoyable. He was in and out of my Canton studio in less than an hour. I like quick and easy, as do my headshot clients.

Help With Posing For Professional Headshots

While we got what Travis needed in the first take of posing and interacting, many of my clients like to see what we make together. Then we can quickly eliminate the images they don’t like and focus on the ones that they do like, as well as the “maybes”. Looking at them full screen, we discuss what they do and don’t like about the headshots before they get back in front of the camera so I can better direct them into the postures, angles, and expressions they like best.

Creating The Image You Want To Present

Everyone has things they do and don’t like about how they appear in photographs. And while others may not see some of those things as flaws, it’s still my job to help people look their best so they have professional headshots they’re proud to use. Many people have one eye that squints more than the other, which is very common. But they don’t like it. So I help them squint the more open eye a bit to help their eyes appear closer to the same size. If I know what to look out for, it’s much easier for me to help guide folks into creating the images they’ll love to use.

Contact Me For Your Professional Headshot

If you’re a CPA and need a professional headshot in Canton, I’d love to help you out! You can start a conversation here. And if you’re not a CPA, I’m good with that, too. I enjoy all people, no matter the profession.

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