High School Senior Boy Photos | Roswell Mill

Blake’s mom reached out to me after doing a google search because she has a high school senior boy in the house. She knew she wanted to do photos of him that weren’t with the yearbook photographer and she loved all of the reviews left for me. Suhweet! I love that so many of my clients leave reviews about their experiences so others have a better idea of what to expect when they hire me. It’s good stuff because it brings more awesome people in front of my camera AND it allows me to continue doing what I love.

Choosing Roswell Mill Park for high school senior photos

We talked about different locations. What they would like for a backdrop in the photographs. Would it be buildings and skylines? Or would it be trees and water? Would it be a busy location with lots of people or would it be pretty chill? Roswell Mill is one of my favorite locations and I loved that his mom had been there numerous times before when she agreed this was a great spot. So she knew what she was possibly getting into if we climbed down the rocky cliff to get to the base of the waterfall for her high school senior boy. She was all in and I was jumping up and down excited.

What it’s like photographing a high school senior boy

We chose a weekday afternoon for an emptier park as this boy can be shy. Which is what I’m finding with so many kids is they don’t want to be the center of attention. And I completely get that. I don’t like people staring at me, either. We started on the covered bridge, walked around the old mill building for a few photographs. Then we made our way back across the bridge and up to the trail. Blake’s session was pretty chill. We talked throughout and would stop in different locations for making photographs before moving on and continuing our conversations.

Planning out photographs in front of the Roswell Mill waterfall

When we got to the point of the trail where we were overlooking the Roswell Mill waterfall going over the dam, we saw a fair amount of people on the rocks below. Blake initially didn’t want to go down because it felt like they might all be watching and it wouldn’t be as private of an experience. But I talked to him about my plan for how we’d make our way down the cliff. Where he’d stand and where I’d stand. I pointed out where his mom would be, because she was a key part of making these photographs. Mom is almost always my lighting assistant in senior sessions because what mom doesn’t want to make their kiddo look awesome?! And then I shared how the background would look behind him. Apparently all of that made it sound interesting enough to make the climb down.

He was glad he did it!

Just like the rest of the session, I placed Blake in different spots and poses to create a wider variety of images. He changed into his Bulldogs baseball jersey and totally rocked these spots at the base of the waterfall. When I showed him some of the images on the back of my camera, he was pumped and wanted to see more. Then he wanted his mom to see, which I thought was pretty cool. Blake said he was glad he decided to go down to the bottom for these photographs. And that made my heart sing. I love when people decide to do new or different things that they’re initially hesitant about doing and then come to the conclusion it was a great experience.

If you have a high school senior in the house and want a fun experience with photographs you’ll love of your kid, click here to reach out and start a conversation.

High school senior boy kneeling on Roswell Mill covered bridge and smiling
Black and white photo of a teenage boy standing on Roswell Mill covered bridge
High school senior boy sitting on rocks in the middle of Roswell Mill Trail
High school senior boy standing with thumbs in pockets at bottom of Roswell Mill dam

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