Professional Headshots In Canton, GA – Dr. Trimble At Georgia Pain Associates

So many of us don’t like having our picture taken. It’s about as tantalizing as going to the dentist for the masses who detest having a stranger’s hands in their mouth and being reminded to floss regularly.

But let’s think about the purpose of a headshot.

If done well, it can immediately establish trust.


Because the headshot portrays whether or not you are approachable and confident.

Malcolm Gladwell writes in Blink that it only takes two seconds to formulate a fairly accurate gut feeling about others. Having an eye catching headshot exuding confidence and a friendly face may help you create the network you desire. Right from the start.

This is Dr. Quannesha Trimble, or Dr. Q, from Georgia Pain Associates. She provides intuitive chiropractic care for her patients and was a Molecular Biologist in her past life with the Mississippi Department of Health.

Contact Pear Tree Photography Atlanta to schedule your headshot session. It will be easier than you think.

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