Pear Tree Photography Atlanta High School Senior Session In Tampa Bay – Cecelia!
This session was a year in the making. Trying to sync up calendars. Working out my flights. And then suddenly, the end of the school year in Tampa was fast approaching.

I held this one just days after she was born and came home from the hospital. It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago.

I met Cecelia’s mom in my first year at Georgia State University. We became college roommates. She stood next to me when I got married.

I have watched Cecelia grow up from afar, dancing her way through school and dance competitions. She is an incredible dancer, but saying goodbye to dance routines and teams as she heads off to college.

Spending an afternoon with Cecelia and her mom, traipsing around Tampa Bay making photographs in every cool spot we saw (and there were a lot!), was such an enjoyable time together!

Cecelia was a willing participant, climbing up wherever I asked and trying different things. She was awesome in front of the camera!

I love a person who will cut loose, be silly, and have fun.

Cecelia was quick to go along with everything we tried, walking all around the downtown Tampa Bay area and pointing out spots she liked.

Also. I want this shirt she’s wearing.

We even managed to find a spot of grass AND in the shade while we were in the heart of downtown. Woot!

After this spot, we took a break from photographs and got dinner at a local sushi joint. It was tasty.

We drove to another spot along the harbor and light was fading quickly.

We thought we might gain access to another part of the Harbor Walk, but found we were far from it. We made this image in a remote doorway and then headed back across town.

By the time we arrived at the Harbor Walk, the sun had set and the gorgeous lights were already changing colors in the background.

Celia’s mom was my fabulous lighting assistant, holding and moving my light where I needed it.

The Tampa Bay Harbor Walk was so fun. I would love to go back there to work again!

Cecelia has completed honors and AP classes effortlessly. I know she is going to accomplish great things as she makes her way through college and this life.