Holly Springs Headshot Photographer
Jay was thrilled to find a Holly Springs headshot photographer close to home. Others coming up in searches were far out on his long hour plus commute home. Jay knew he needed to get this done quickly and his weekday availability wasn’t during normal business hours. Which was fine. We worked it out to do his session around 6:30pm on his way home just one exit away in Holly Springs.
Pre-Planning Is Awesome
Before his session, he sent a picture of another headshot he wanted to emulate. Jay was all over it and knew exactly how he wanted to be positioned. When he arrived, I welcomed him into my studio and gave him a bottle of water after he changed into his suit. At that point, I had all of my lights set up and turned on. I just told him where to stand and he did the rest while making minor adjustments as I asked him to turn just a little this way. Or that way.
Quick and Easy Headshot Experience
We made a total of ten shots before I loaded them on my laptop. Very quickly, he knew which one he liked best. But just in case, I took him through all of the images full screen to make sure. We did a few of the eye doctor comparisons…”Which one do you like better? A or B?” Jay still went with the original one he liked best and then chilled in a seat of his choosing for a few minutes while I did the retouching for his new headshot. He loved the edits and then we were pretty much done.
I Love When They Leave Five Star Reviews!
Before he left, Jay even googled my business name and clicked on the five star reviews to leave his own. Jay was in and out of my studio in 35 minutes from start to finish. This was quicker than most, but he had told me from the start he was easy and knew exactly what he wanted. He wasn’t wrong.

Looking For a Holly Springs Headshot Photographer?
I’m not that far from you…Just over that Holly Springs police cruiser speedcheck line. Or if you’re looking for someone close to Woodstock or Canton…reach out and start a conversation about the headshot you want to create. I’m right in your backyard and will make it a painless experience for you, too.