Foster Family Photographs – Canton
Julie contacted me in the fall asking about foster family photographs. She’s got eight kiddos under her roof and wanted to document this time with them before Christmas. But she was running into problems with other photographers wanting to post all of the photographs on their website. Which is a big privacy issue for families with foster kids. Their faces can’t be shown for legal reasons when in foster care. I get it.
I would love to show you all of the fun photos of these eight kiddos from toddlers to teenagers! But I only have permission to show you images of Julie and Blake. Which is still awesome. They had fun joking around with each other and laughing about the fun of marriage and parenting.
Having eight kids to wrangle can be a challenge. To simplify this session and take off some stress, we decided to make their family photographs in their front yard in Canton. Which is something I love doing, especially when littles are involved. Keeping familiar parts of their world helps the kiddos be more inquisitive and trusting of a new person walking into their lives with a big camera.

Contact me if you have a blended family of biological, adopted, and foster kiddos and want family photographs! I’d love to photograph you all together. And I have no issue with protecting your privacy. It’s more important to me to make photographs my people will love for years than promoting my business with every session I complete. I’m here for you to make the photographs you want.