Lazy Summer Days On The Lake
We were rained out a few days while Up North. The overnight thunder storms were deafening and lit up everything inside. Even with the blinds closed. When the bad weather cleared out, we were outside. The kids were throwing hoops or on the water.

My girl child loves to water ski. This was the first time with regular skis and no training rope or connector between the skis. She gave a valiant effort, but after several water-up-the-nose episodes, she was done. Maybe next summer.

The boy made a few attempts on water skis last summer and decided it wasn’t his gig. So he thoroughly enjoyed being pulled on a float every time we went out for water fun.

My girl lives for the bumps and the waves. She was using plenty of hand signals to go faster. Make more waves. Go over the waves. Go faster. She is my dare devil.

I was bummed to not go water skiing this summer, but was under doctor’s orders with a bum leg to not be wild and crazy. Apparently, water skiing and roller blading is considered wild and crazy. So I enjoyed watching the sun glisten on the water as it sprayed up from the boat and the rope and the float.