Side Trip To Duluth Minnesota With The Family – Part 2

We absolutely loved exploring Duluth and enjoyed the friendly locals. Even walking out at night felt safe, so I had the pleasure of photographing the harbor at night underneath a waxing moon.

  The aerial lift bridge at Duluth Harbor on Lake Superior was fascinating. There are only two of these bridges in the world (the other is over in France). Super-sized ocean liners pass through here and watching them was quite breath taking.  Earlier in the day, I photographed it to make this stop motion film of the bridge raising to let water traffic pass. Just before this, I called one of my friends in Florida to catch us on the Duluth Harbor Cam so we could wave while she was watching. She fell in love with this town when her son went to college here. She still checks in each week, even though he has moved. I can understand why. Duluth is a lovely town. To see other beautiful parts of Duluth, click here for Part 1.

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