Happy Anniversary – To Us
To my love. My best friend. My honeys.

He has been by my side. Holding my hand. For the last sixteen years. For the last fourteen, we have worn matching bands on our left hand.
We agree on most things. Although there’s a bit of disparity in our music tastes. He calls me a crunchy hippie (I won’t dispute that). I say he listens to a bunch of crap and is corrupting our son (he does dispute that).
I think we’re fortunate in that we can probably count on one hand the number of times we have gotten into fights. And those were more filled with days of silence than speaking words we would regret.
I’m not sure how I ended up with a man who would stand by side and support me, through the easy and not-so-easy. But I am thankful I had the good sense to say, “Yes!” fifteen years ago when he asked me to marry him. Through tough months in corporate, a handful of pregnancies, sicknesses, parenting + personal challenges, and so much more, he has been there for me.
There is no one else I would rather wake up next to every morning. He’s a better example of patience to our children. He teaches them about kindness. Being a good sport. Doing what’s right, even when it’s hard. In his quiet way, he takes care of me. And our children.
He can make me laugh and comfort me. Always. And for that, I am so very thankful to be celebrating our fourteenth wedding anniversary with him.