Faces of Autism Project
I am looking for people of all ages on the autism spectrum to join my Faces of Autism Project. I seek to increase autism awareness, break down stereotypes and barriers that prevent basic connection, and create acceptance that all humans desire.
Hi. My Name is Kelley and I’m Autistic.
If you have known me or worked with me personally and seem surprised, you’re not alone. It was a surprise to me, too, when I was diagnosed earlier this year. But it explained and validated a lot.

The autism diagnosis explained why I’ve felt like an outsider my whole life. Like I’m just visiting a foreign country where I speak the same language, but don’t fully understand social interactions when I don’t have full context for situations. Crowds can put me into sensory overload where I just want to run far, far away. Unless I’m working and have a camera in my hand, then crowds aren’t an issue. The diagnosis validated why background noises are incredibly distracting, confrontations and conflict without curiosity or acceptance can be devastating. And that positive reinforcement is almost downright magical as far as my best motivator.

Being diagnosed as an adult leaves me with much to learn about autism. I am discovering much less is known about girls/women on the spectrum because we’re studied far less than our male counterparts. And while there are many resources available for children on the autism spectrum, it’s more challenging to find for adults.
Photographing People on the Autism Spectrum
Which leads me to this Faces of Autism Project. I would love to photograph people of all ages on the spectrum. I want to raise awareness. Build connection. Reveal commonalities. And celebrate people on the spectrum who are easily misunderstood while hopefully dispelling common misconceptions.

Want to Participate in the Faces of Autism Project?
If you are, or someone you know is, on the autism spectrum and are willing to be photographed for this Faces of Autism project, please fill out the form below to start a conversation. Participation is voluntary and will be similar to my headshot experience. Your personal information will not be used publicly without prior permission.
Thank you so much!