Daniela’s Woodstock High School Senior Session in Atlanta
Some seniors know exactly what they plan on doing as soon as they graduate. It’s detailed in step-by-step bullet points in day planners.

And others are open to all the possibilities. To discovering new passions and good fits. To learning the things they don’t know that they hadn’t previously considered.

There’s no right or wrong way to go about it. Everyone has a different path. And as an adult, I look back and see so many times I was certain of where I needed to go. What to do. And then life happened, choices were turned upside down, and I was on paths I never dreamed possible.

And you know what? They were better. They were better than I ever imagined.

So here’s to celebrating a senior who is open to the future. Who wants to make a difference. Who is thoughtful. Who is kind. Who is strong in her faith. Who values people and relationships. And who will value them, even after they have left this world. Like her friend Maddie. Whom she still brings along on her adventures. And photo shoots. Because friends and their hearts + souls are to be valued.

As you embark on this next chapter in your life, may you find answers to your questions. May you be filled with curiosity in the challenges to calmly and rationally move forward. May you find the best path that brings peace in knowing the step forward is the best one you can make in that moment with the knowledge you have.

May you surround yourself with people not just like you and share your beliefs. But may you also seek out those with different perspectives. Who will stretch your comfort zones and consider what it’s like to wear different shoes. To come from different backgrounds and experiences.

May you strengthen your friendships and relationships with family in these coming years. May you remember he people who love you most. And have an open heart in knowing what they tell you is the best in their hopes and dreams for you. In their knowing your capabilities far exceed your own beliefs.

So show up. Know whom you can trust. And allow yourself to be seen.
But mostly. May you remind yourself of this.
You. Can. Do. Great. Things.
You. Matter.
You. Are. Enough.
Thank you for the honor and privilege of getting to know you better over this past year. I loved every minute of our time together throughout all of your shoots around Atlanta!