Temple Beth Tikvah Bat Mitzvah In Roswell, GA – Marla
This family has been near and dear to my heart for the past fifteen years. My honeys worked with Bruce years ago. We shared in family and friend get togethers over the years. We sent good will and prayers out overseas as Bruce and Renee spent weeks at a time to complete the adoption process and bring Marla home because they so badly wanted to be parents. We have watched this child grow from a baby into a smart, thoughtful, and kind young woman.

While Marla has attended Hebrew school for years, she has put in an incredible amount of hours and effort over the last six months to prepare for the Bat Mitzvah. Preparing to lead the prayer service on the Sabbath for both Friday evening (the long, three hour service) and Saturday morning (short, two hour service) to read, chant, and sing in Hebrew.

Since photography isn’t allowed in the Temple on the Sabbath, I was allowed to come during a Thursday afternoon rehearsal to make photographs. It was just a small glimpse into what I would see on Saturday morning.

The paperwork was handled at the rehearsal, as were the photographs with the Rabbi and Cantor.

Once we wrapped up the traditional portraits inside the Temple, we went outside the synagogue to make individual and family portraits. And when one kid is on day two of antibiotics for pink eye, the other sister needs a bit of encouragement to stand closer.

We walked around the building for the stone backdrop for the start of their photographs.

Then made our way to the lush woods surrounding the Temple parking lot and had fun between the trees.

Bruce has THE best facial expressions. And if you can’t tell, he’s a bit of a trouble maker. I’ve always liked that about him.

Love this family photograph of them all together. They did, too. Yay!