Professional Headshots In Woodstock, GA – Brad Parker With Elsym Consulting

When employees start at different times within a company, it’s easy to collect an array of headshots from them. Some are more professional than others.

But what does it say about your organization if everyone has a different headshot? Does your company work together as a team? Or is it really just a group of individuals doing their own thing? Can one person be trusted more than another because she has a more professional backdrop and lighting than the headshot that was clearly made as a selfie on a cell phone for another employee?

Headshots are intended to represent you. Your company. Your brand.

Headshots need to create a sense of approachability, competency, and trust.


Because first impressions are important. It could be the difference between a potential client staying on your website and learning more. Or closing the browser tab and clicking the next company that came up in the Google search.

To many, the thought of creating headshots seems overwhelming. It may feel like it could take a huge chunk out of your day when you already don’t have time for a lunch hour. Some dread being in front of the camera for a headshot as much as going to the dentist. Thankfully, you don’t need to update your headshot as often as you need to see your dentist.

Updating your headshot doesn’t need to be a time suck, nor does it need to be a terrible experience. The majority of my clients start off conversations that they hate being in front of the camera and they don’t like photographs of themselves. It doesn’t hurt my feelings at all. I understand completely. I don’t like stepping in front of the camera to be photographed because I worry that the things I don’t like about myself will all be on prominent display. I feel naked. Vulnerable. Incredibly uncomfortable and ready to run out the door.

And all of those clients who started off our conversations by telling me they hate being photographed end our conversations by telling me that it was so much easier than they expected. And they like their new headshots. Not only do they like their headshots, they’re proud to use them going forward to professionally represent themselves. That’s an excellent transformation in opinions and perceptions about what it means to be photographed, don’t you think?

I have a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee in creating headshots. It’s important to me that my clients are more than pleased with their experience in working with me. In creating updated and professional headshots. Because your reputation is on the line with a less than stellar headshot to represent yourself and your business. And so is mine.

If it’s time to create a cohesive look for the employees in your company, contact Kelley to start a conversation about updating your headshots like the folks at Elsym Consulting. Elsym offers software auditing solutions and internal controls for lotteries. Their reputation is one of the highest in the industry.