Professional Headshots In Atlanta, GA For American Diabetes Association – Meagan R!

Most of us want to look professional. We want our clients and vendors to take us seriously. And treat us with the respect we know our experience and knowledge demands.

Yet, some of us kid ourselves into thinking that a cell phone selfie (that may or may not be in focus) is acceptable.

There are many reasons why we tell ourselves that that selfie is acceptable.

It’s an honest smile.

Not all of our laugh lines are visible.

We were truly happy in that moment.

But if the image is poor quality, the lighting isn’t the best, or there’s a beer close by and still in frame…then that’s really not the professional image you should be presenting of yourself in expecting others to take you seriously.

I know there be a little teeth gnashing going on. I do it, too. When I know someone is giving me solid advice, but I’m really not ready to give up that habit yet. It takes me a little time to process and adjust my mindset.

So whether you need a little more time to mull this over about updating your headshot or you’re ready to just get it done, I will be here for you.

I’ll make it as easy and painless as possible.

When you are ready, you can contact me here to start a discussion about updating your headshot and creating a more professional online presence.