Marietta GA Lifestyle Newborn Photography Session – Miss E’s USB Delivered!
It was months ago that I was contacted by the winner of a photography session from the Salon Three-13 Angels of Life fundraiser auction. Charlie reached out and we talked about whether or not to do a maternity session or wait until this sweet baby arrived and make newborn photographs together. She decided on the latter option and then messaged me shortly after Miss E arrived so we could set a date when both she and her husband would be home. Since newborns don’t stay little for long and are already different souls even a week after they are born, I cut our family vacation short a day so I wouldn’t make these guys wait three weeks for my next available weekend morning.
It was totally worth the early return as I got to hold this sweet pea and listen to her little sounds.

Out of respect for the family and their wishes to not show their baby’s face publicly, I can only tease you with these images.

I love getting to document nurseries prepared for new arrivals.

And the everyday moments of caring for these precious little humans who need so much love and tenderness.

We didn’t hang this wee one from a tree or lay her on a fancy plate. We made photographs of her being loved.

Held by each parent. In hands that won’t always be so big and strong in comparison.

Guarded by the family hound while eating, who keeps a close eye on strangers with cameras.

I love being invited into the lives of new parents. To make photographs of them interacting and holding their newest member. Unposed and authentic, in what is the every day. For now. For this week. And possibly next.

These are the photographs I wish I had from when my children first arrived. Of the details. Of the everyday moments. Of the sweet snuggles. Because it all changes so incredibly fast. They grow up too quickly. And without the photographs, my memory has lost so much.