Engagement Layflat Book Of Will And Claire (or A Cute Hound Named Luna)
I love these leather bound books. And that they can be embossed with names and dates.

These books open to a thick inside black cover backing.

And then a sheet of vellum. Just to add a little more suspense before seeing the first photograph clearly.

I love cute puppies. Especially cute puppies named Luna. Two of my 2015 wedding couples have puppies named Luna. I think that’s a good sign.

I love that one photograph can cover two facing pages. This one is ten by twenty inches.

And that even though the pages are hinged and there is a slight gutter in the middle where the two facing pages come together, it doesn’t ruin the mood of the photograph.

The pages are super thick, so they have no trouble with lying flat when the book is open in your lap.

And I love that each book is customized. Just for you. No pre-made templates. I don’t outsource the design. Your story is told. Just the way you want.
I love that photographs can have room to breathe and your eyes can rest in the white space.

So the photographs that take up an entire page or spread have that much more weight. One last page of vellum before closing up your book of memories.

Then we stand it up, just for a better view of the hinged page construction which allows these pages to lie flat when the book is open.

And closed.

One last look at the front cover. With your names. And other special notes about what will be found between the front and back cover.

There’s something about being able to hold a book of photographs on your lap or to your chest that feels so much better than a CD with images you can’t see, except on a screen.