Another USB And Wall Art – DELIVERED! To Yildiz + Michael

06th Aug, 2015Products

Normally I meet my clients in coffee shops for their ordering appointments, but I received a late morning text inviting me to brunch with them at the Marietta Diner. It was cram packed and loud as can be. I’m not sure if they were even able to hear the music on their slideshow. But they loved their images. Comments were made that I even caught natural smiles on Michael, which is apparently a very rare occurence.

After watching the slideshow and then navigating through the images individually and flagging the ones that they loved, I closed the laptop and pulled out samples to show them. I think they knew immediately after I pulled out my 30×40 wall art sample on masonite that they needed the same. There was a bit of waffling on which image would be best at the largest size and in the end, they went with the photograph above. I was thrilled with how it turned out and couldn’t wait to put it in their hands.

They also wanted all of the digital files and now have this lovely wooden USB drive filled with their photographs.

I met Yildiz outside of her office yesterday afternoon to deliver these. I love getting to see reactions in person. But wasn’t expecting the text from her after I drove away with multiple thank yous and telling me I’m her official photographer going forward.

Made. My. Day.

If you missed Yildiz + Michael’s engagement session in Buckhead, you should click over.

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