Tucker Maternity Session with Todd + Gara
Waiting. Is hard.
And it seems like that’s the equivalent of pregnancy. One is expecting. Waiting. Anticipating. Not knowing exactly what is to come.
The waiting is filled with hopes and dreams. What this new miracle will be like. What he will make him laugh. What will make him hug you tight. Will he like sports (for the love of all that is good in this world and with his lifelong athlete Dad, please say YES!). Will he be kind and thoughtful. Will he love to read and snuggle.
Will he know how much he is loved.
But the flip side of this is will you remember how you felt. In these months of wonder and waiting.
Whether you loved the changes in your body and the miracle growing inside causing the arrival date to come sooner than you might be ready to grasp. Because it can be a bit scary.
Especially for first time parents. Not knowing how the dynamics in the house will change. How you’ll deal with the lack of sleep. How you’ll handle changing diapers that make you want to gag. How you’ll deal with the overload of advice you receive from well-meaning friends, family members, and even coworkers.
But this is just a season. Like so many other time frames in our lives. It doesn’t last forever. And before you know it, your family is expanded by another human who has stolen your heart like you never knew possible. You slowly get your body back and you forget what those kicks and movements inside your belly felt like.
If you choose to document your pregnancy with the love of your life in that last month before your new miracle comes, then it won’t be so hard to jog your memory in coming years of how you looked and felt. You’ll not only exist in photographs and have tangible reminders that you can do hard things, but you’ll also have beautiful reminders to show your child as they grow up. That when you show them the photographs, you can tell them, “I loved you before I even met you.”
And they’ll know it’s true.

The joy really shows here! You’re so talented!
Thank you, Reid! I LOVED documenting this special time with Todd + Gara and now I can’t believe how much bigger their boy child is just a few months later!