Lifestyle Family Photographs – Minneapolis Minnesota
I spent the last week in Minnesota. The state sent me home with snow on the ground, which I thought was a lovely sendoff for this trip. It was so beautiful. And when I got home, it was 40 degrees warmer which necessitated the peeling off of multiple clothing layers and driving with the windows down.

While I was there, I photographed these terrific kids. We will work in the parents for another session over the summer when they aren’t breaking bones and having surgeries as the most extreme avoidance technique ever for photographs. 😉 Kidding.

Eric? Heal fast, so we can have all kinds of fun this summer with Kat and your kids. Because there should be plenty of running, and jumping, and biking (suggested by your youngest).

I love photographing kids. So often, their words take me by surprise (one of these kiddos tells me he is married already. but doesn’t have a job) or pull me back remembering what I felt at the same age. Like loving learning and relating to my teachers better than my peers. I so enjoy getting to know other people and what they find fascinating.

Miss E and I are alike in dancing. Although, I’m pretty sure she does not make a complete fool of herself (like me) when she doesn’t have a good dance partner. There are reasons why I don’t dance in public. It’s just embarrassing.

I’m already looking forward to seeing you guys again next summer in warmer temps. I can only imagine how much your children will change and grow in just the next six months!