Hello Monday

I’m back from Las Vegas and with less than five hours of sleep. It’s a whole pot of coffee kind of day here.

 I got home well after midnight last night. Driving back from the airport, I was pumped. My mind was still swirling with ideas and inspiration from the workshop weekend with Blue Lily. Every year they have a reunion for past workshop participants. Fabulous shoots and opportunities to connect are arranged.

 This was the first year they asked me to teach. I was floored. And honored. And stoked. I love teaching. I love helping others to do more. To be more. This weekend was fulfilling. Inspiring. Soul restoring. I connected with people who have become good friends. Like Jodi up there on that crashed airplane. I adore her. And then Wendy and Tyler of Blue Lily. They have created a phenomenal community of photographers. I have amazing and talented friends who don’t take themselves too seriously. These two are on that list of mine.

 I wasn’t ready for our time to end. I feel greedy. Like a good sugar high, I wanted to keep it going. And I don’t want to wait another year for the next reunion. To see old friends and meet new ones.

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