Atlanta 2014 Snowmageddon

We got hit with a major snowstorm last week.  It dumped three inches of snow on us and up to six inches on towns farther South.  Schools dismissed students early.  But thousands of people were stranded in their cars for 10-26 hour commutes home from work.  There is a major blame game going on now about what the governor and mayor should have done differently.   While we did go a bit stir crazy and the kids were disappointed the snow wasn’t ideal for building snowmen, we were very thankful that we had worked from home on Tuesday.  After we got the kids home from school, the girl child joined me for a hike through our woods.  It was a beautiful winter wonderland that Atlanta so rarely gets to see. Our hounds enjoyed playing in the snow and running ahead of us as we walked through our backyard.

 The creek was up and looked completely different with white covering the trees, branches and ground.  Listening to the sound of the snow as it fell through our forest was magical.  It was like we crawled through a wardrobe and walked out into Narnia.

 My girl child had a blast picking up snow and throwing it into the air, covering herself in even more snow.  Note the lack of gloves.  Guess who gets a Mom of the Year submission?  She wore my gloves later in the walk, but had pained hands the rest of the day.  🙁

 I had fun following her as she traipsed through our woods and was impressed with how well she knew the trails and stuck to them, even though they couldn’t be seen.

 Snowflakes on her eyelashes reminded me of my own eyelashes a month ago when I was in Minnesota.  The negative twenty temps made my eyelashes freeze, even though it wasn’t snowing.

 On our return, she realized she could create bigger snowstorms by shaking the smaller trees.  (note: she’s wearing my gloves now.)

 Now completely gone without a trace after our temps that hit 68 yesterday afternoon.

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