High School Senior Photographs {Roswell, GA}

I met H late one afternoon a couple of weeks ago to make his senior photographs.  We hiked some major hills through the woods to get to the ruins of an old paper mill.

We talked about trips to Missouri and Minnesota. How we have family in both and the foods that are necessary to obtain when in those parts of the country.

I had met H once before, but this was the first time I got to spend any serious time with him.  It’s enjoyable getting to know new people.  Finding out what they’re capable of doing.  And sometimes, they find out new things about themselves.  Climbing new heights and ruins isn’t an every day opportunity.

H has a quiet way and I could tell he chose his words carefully.  I liked that.

This bridge was just rebuilt and re-opened a couple of months ago.  It has much different lines and construction than the previous which pulled me in for including it as a background.

Today is H’s last day in high school. Soon, he will be taking courses at the university he chose.

In these coming college years, may you be filled with knowledge that inspires you to learn more and be presented with challenges that aren’t so easily overcome, but reinforce you’re on the right path and can do more good than you know. Because there is much good inside you.  I know it.