Rebound Physical Therapy In Woodstock, GA Featuring Joe Kafati

I have been planning this monthly blog feature for the last six months. Reaching out to successful small business owners who make a difference. Asking what drives them. How they ended up on this path. I find it fascinating what motivates and inspires others.

I met Joe Kafati, DPT at Rebound Physical Therapy in Woodstock, GA just Northwest of metro Atlanta in May 2014. It was just a few weeks after I fell several times running and earned myself dozens of compound fractures at the base of my femur. Joe was friendly from the start, with a big smile and a solid handshake. His staff and fellow physical therapist were equally welcoming and friendly. The environment he has created is fabulous for recovery and healing, while feeling safe that you can do each exercise under close supervision.

Q: What made you decide to pursue physical therapy as a career and when/why did you decide to start your own business?
A: I knew I wanted to pursue a career where I could help people and improve their quality of life. After being in the field for 5 years, I realized I wanted to be able to treat and rehab patients the best way I knew how without being confined to corporate constraints.

Q: What do you look forward to most each day?
A: I look forward to interacting with patients and getting to know them as a person, not just as a patient. 

Q: What do you find most rewarding about being a physical therapist and/or small business owner?
A: The most rewarding part of my job is facilitating the process of recovery, relieving their pain and putting a smile on their faces. 

Thank you, Joe! I am so appreciative of the changes you helped me make possible in the recovery of my broken leg. I am now running again on a regular basis. Yay!

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and be featured on my monthly blog series showcasing fabulous entrepreneurs who make a difference in our community.