Millenium Gate And Piedmont Park Engagement Session – Desirae + Troy
Desirae + Troy are two California transplants now living in Atlanta. They’re enjoying our city, restaurants, and learning the intricacies of planning a wedding across the country back in California for later this year. They received this engagement session from Troy’s sister for Christmas. And we were all relieved that winter took a break for the afternoon for the sun to come out and warmer temperatures to grace our bodies.

With every client, I always ask if there is a particular image that they want to make. Or if there is something else they’d like to do while we’re together. Troy said he wanted to get cars in the background. So one day, when he and Desirae are old and wrinkly and grey, they can show the images to their great grandkids and watch them marvel over how crazy our cars looked. Done!

We walked around the Millenium Gate area to the bridge and these two danced and spun. So fun!

Did I mention how happy we were that the sun was out and it wasn’t freezing?

Love getting a different view of the Atlanta skyline!

Then we changed locations. And outfits. And had more fun together.

We managed to hit the gazebo at Piedmont Park at the right time and these two had it to themselves for a minute.

I believe these two were imagining what life would be like fifty years from now, sitting on their porch swing. I love that they’re already thinking of life together so far out and knowing they will have so many wonderful experiences together between now and then. A life well lived to look back upon together.

And of course we made the obligatory Atlanta skyline image before we left Piedmont Park!

Desirae + Troy! I am wishing you all the best in the continuation of your wedding planning across the country and your Happily Ever After!
I’m so glad you loved the photographs we made together!!