birth story

Part 2 Of Charlotte + Andy’s Birth Story At The Atlanta Medical Center

By Kelley / April 16, 2018 / Comments Off on Part 2 Of Charlotte + Andy’s Birth Story At The Atlanta Medical Center

Labor is hard. And it can be long. It can be hard to navigate. Having the assistance of an excellent midwife and/or doula can be instrumental in delivering your baby the way you wanted and envisioned. And not under the agenda being pushed by hospital staff. Lauren from Meraki Mama Collective was with Charlotte and Andy throughout…

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Atlanta Birth Center Story – Charlotte + Andy (Part 1)

By Kelley / April 2, 2018 /

For weeks, I knew Charlotte was ready to bring Eva into this world and meet her. I could see it in her facebook and instagram posts. Eva was continuing to grow. Charlotte’s discomfort was growing with being able to move. But moreso, hers and Andy’s excitement couldn’t climb much higher to meet this little one.…

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