And Then There Were Four – The Rand Family
After photographing this family at Agnes Scott, I promised to come back after Wyatt was born for a few newborn photographs. What was supposed to be just a little mini-session turned into a full newborn session. I loved every minute of it.
I was having fun photographing all the little things I miss about having a sweet baby in the house. A quilt made by Grandma. Fun crocodile sheets. A plug (oh, how we loved our plugs!) and a rocking horse that’s enjoyed more by the (now) three year old.

Who doesn’t love little pigs???
Tender moments with Mom holding her baby close. I die. Really. It brings tears to my eyes, this love.
Wyatt was such a content baby. He was happy to hang out in his crib for a few shots.
Little fingers and mottled newborn skin. They grow so fast. I miss these days.
I think Meredith is in trouble. I’m catching glimpses of Wyatt’s Daddy in him.
Trouble. Maker.
I love re-living this morning. So awesome capturing the little moments.
Then it was time for a costume change.
And all heck broke loose.
This boy hollered and screamed like getting new clothes put on was THE worst thing in the world.
He put on quite a show. Kicking feet and everything.
Is it wrong that I was amused? Seriously, this boy loathed getting dressed.
And then once he was fully clothed and held, all was right in the world again.
And really, if Mom is holding you…what could be wrong?
Loved the interaction between the three year old and the newbie. The wonder over the little toes. That really are not so much smaller than his own.
Loved the pride and ownership over his. own. baby brother.
Meredith and Michael? Thank you for letting me into your life with Wyatt and Evan. You all are just super people.
Stay tuned. Exciting things ahead. Contests. That are BIG.