Family Photography Session At Rope Mill Park – Worthington Family
The days are long, but the years are short.
When you’re a parent, it feels like time slips through your fingers. Those sweet little babies are teenagers before you know it. They no longer fit in your lap and the snuggles are few and far between. The teens, they can be stingy with their smiles because they need to be cool.
But these kids. They can be cracked. Squeeze them close and talk about unexpected things and their faces light up and photographs can be made of the ones you love so much. Who fill your life with goodness and laughter. And who may or may not make you question this whole parenting gig. Are you doing it right? Who will they be when they grow up? Where did they learn that? That must come from their Dad’s genes. 😉
I have known these guys for years. Tabitha is the lovely soul who helped me learn there are other modes outside of the automatic setting on a camera. She has been my second shooter on wedding days. And a source for sanity, levity, and reason as we’ve made our way further into this parenting journey as married people. I adore her. And her guys. They’re all evolving. But underneath the tough teenage exterior, there is still a boy with a sweet, sheepish grin. And another younger one with a giggle I love.
These people are my people. I love watching them grow. They change, for the better. For the taller. For the more thoughtful.
I love watching who they are becoming. All of them.
They’re all evolving.

These boys. They were constantly taking off and running.

If you want to make photographs with your favorite people before they grow and change anymore, so you have memories of the now, contact Kelley at Pear Tree Photography Atlanta to start a conversation.