Dream Chasers, Adventures And Twins! Oh My! {Woodstock, GA Family Photographer}

On this chilly spring morning, we met at a local park and I had hand warmers waiting to be opened and stuffed into undergarments.  For me and anyone else who wanted them.  Because I freeze when it’s under 75 degrees.  But let’s move along, shall we?  Because this isn’t about me.  It’s about this wonderful family who won the contest last month.  When I asked about the importance of family and what does family mean to you all, I got this response from Courtney: My family and I enjoy just being together! Whether it is creating, coloring, or painting in our new art room, or taking long walks outside, or cooking together, or just lounging around in our pjs on a Saturday. We would rather all be together than off doing our own thing any day. More than anything we love to laugh together. There isn’t a dull moment in our home and the laughter is plentiful!! We truly enjoy each day of our lives together! There is an overflowing amount of joy in our every day.

 I have been over to their home a few times and on this shoot…there was constant laughter.  Their love for each other is obvious in how they talk to one another, touch each other and look at each other.  Their eyes.  There is respect and love in them and that just makes me sigh.

 We went on some adventures this morning akin to tightrope walking.  This family was awesome!

 But even more awesome is they have had dreams.  Big dreams.  And have been taking steps to make them happen for some time.  Josh wanted to change his career path.  They talked.  They hoped.  They prayed.  And then he left his job (Courtney had already given up her career as a Special Ed teacher when their girls came along).  For over a year.  He went back to school and studied hard to earn the necessary certifications.  And he did it.  They did it.  Within a month of earning all the credentials and putting out resumes, Josh even landed the job he wanted.  His top pick.

 I can’t believe a year and a half has passed since we climbed that first hill on the roller coaster when I left AT&T after giving them eleven years so I could start my own photography business and meet my kids at the bus stop.  It was terrifying, yet exhilarating.  It was a big leap of faith.  I am fascinated with and so strongly admire others who will give up a constant, guaranteed stability to pursue a life that they know/hope will fulfill them so much more.  

 And in the midst of earning the necessary credentials for this dream job, they moved.  And then found out they are pregnant with twins.  TWINS!  Oh.  My.  Gosh.  My mind can not comprehend expanding from a family of four to six.  I get the feeling that they’re still in a bit of shock, too.  And yet, thrilled to pieces and so excited for these new bebes!  I don’t remember the last time I met a couple who felt so blessed in so many ways, which made this session so awesome to photograph.