Park City With My Girls
Back in January 2010, I took Karen Russell’s online course and met so many fabulous women. I love that we formed our own facebook groups and keep in touch on a regular basis. Smaller groups in twos and threes seem to find ways to meet up throughout each year, but more of us make a point to get together once a year. Last year, it was Miami. This year, Park City. I cherish these friendships and love that we all learn from each other and value each others’ opinions and experiences. This is a glimpse into part of one afternoon when we took buses and trolleys to get to/from downtown Park City to our Mountainside condo. These forms of public transit were free. Holla!

Slippery wooden seats and sharp turns made for fun and surprising slides inside the trolley. Check out Jules’s 365 project of her sweet goldendoodle Maizy. That hound melts my heart and makes me shake my head. Also note the cross body camera straps all my girls are wearing. They’re made by Joby and are the women’s Ultra-Fit Sling Strap. Awesome straps that stay put right where you put them while keeping your camera super secure.

For a couple of us, this was so true.

All kinds of shenanigans went down. You can see a fair amount of the nonsense on our Instagram feeds at #rawinutaw.

Cat in a bookstore? Yes. Dolly’s had three cats.

Lisa is so stinkin talented. Not only is she a fellow photographer, she makes fabulous quilts, bakes (her pies! oh, her pies!), is behind all the products at Jiggystick (I got to see the headquarters! and am now trying out new products!!!), inspires you to be a better person just by sitting next to her, but she surprised us with an impromptu performance at this public piano with a sign that read, “Play Me.”

Park City has a shoe tree park. I was fascinated.

If you’re on the West Coast, you should check out Aurora at lens daisy. She’s so talented as a photographer and as a mom. I love her 365 project and images of her Wee One.

Once back at the condo, we dropped our shopping bags and got ready to head out for fun on the Alpine Slide and roller coaster. So. Much. Fun. Come back soon. I made a slideshow of my trip up the ski lift and down the Alpine Slide.