Interactive Business Technologies In Atlanta, GA Featuring John Moss

I would like to introduce you to John Moss. He is the founder and president of Interactive Business Technologies, or IBT. I have known John since 2000 and worked with him in the telecom industry for many years. He was always honest, kind, and enjoyable to work with and I don’t think that has changed one bit since I left corporate America. If anything, he has honed his skills at making partnerships and daily work an absolute pleasure.

There came a point where he decided to leave corporate America after starting up his own company to provide a host of IT solutions to businesses throughout the Southeast. John’s company has been the recipient of multiple awards and honors in Atlanta for IT services, endeavors, and leadership. I was thrilled when he accepted my invite to interview him for my regular blog feature highlighting outstanding entrepreneurs providing valuable services within our community to businesses of varying size.

Q: What made you decide to pursue telecom/IT as a career and when/why did you decide to start your own business?

John: I have had an interest in IT since I was very young. I actually took summer classes in IT while I was still in high school. I entered Telecom purely by accident, when I interviewed for a job and was asked to take a position in Telecom. It took a lot of studying and learning but I picked it up quickly. Prior experience in other jobs assisted me in working as a PM and Escalation Manager.  I decided to start IBT because I wanted use my skills in Technology on my own terms. I wanted to show my customers that they do not have to be intimidated by IT or their IT Service provider. Many have money as a motivation, I feel that your business will grow through quality customer service and response. This will make your revenue grow higher with each satisfied customer.

Q: What do you look forward to most each day? And what are you looking forward to most in the coming year?

John: Everyday I wake up, without an alarm clock, very excited about learning something new and working with my customers. I can honestly say I love what I do and feel it is my calling. I look forward to growing IBT and allowing our new employees to learn to love IT as I do. I also want to start adding Training Services to our customers.

Q: What do you find most rewarding about being a small business owner?

John: Creative Freedom and the power to interact with my customers without restraint. I actually work harder than I have at any job I ever had and I don’t regret it for one second.  Some business owners like awards and accolades, I love gaining trust from my customers and a daily thank you. That is the best reward a business owner can receive in my opinion.

Thank you John for taking time out of your day to answer questions and talk about what keeps you going!