Chasing Dreams In 2015

When I left corporate America over three years ago, I left with the intention of making a difference. I felt like I didn’t make a difference in my day-to-day activities, even though some days I did impact the bottom line for large companies. It wasn’t very fulfilling. 

Yesterday, I flew out to Las Vegas for a long weekend with thirty other photographers. As introductions were being made in our large circle, we were also sharing one of our goals for 2015. I was thankful to be more than half way through the circle to think about what I would say.

I have many goals. I want to photograph more moments when two people exchange vows and change their lives forever. I want to travel more this year for work. I want to photograph the moments surrounding when a new life starts and my peoples’ lives are forever changed. Again. I want to teach more and share my knowledge if it will help others (either as an example of what to do, or what NOT to do). I want to tell more stories and then put those stories in books to be flipped through for decades. That will make people smile and laugh and cry and point as they retell the story behind each photograph.

I want. To make a difference. 

I want to partner with other organizations that make a difference in the lives of people. I want to partner with entities who value people. Who protect our communities. And our country. Who help people achieve their dreams of a better life. A bigger family. A healthy life. 

I’m chasing my dreams. I’m following my heart. And I’m boosted up by a husband who kisses me goodbye in the dark and tells me to have a fabulous time before he drops back to sleep. I could hear him smiling as he told me to have a blast.

2015 is off to a wonderful start. I’ve had extra time with my family before my children started back to school this past Tuesday. Home projects are underway to remove the 80s safari wallpaper from the walls of this house that wasn’t always ours. Items on my work list are getting checked off and implemented. And I’m now in the desert for an inspiring weekend. Of teaching and learning. Engaging.

Of chasing my dreams.