Maternity and Newborn Photographer
What makes us human. What makes humans. Having a maternity and newborn photographer means you'll always remember.
Congratulations! You're expecting!
Oh how exciting! You’re expecting a new baby soon, aren’t you? Why else would you be searching for maternity, birth stories, or newborn photography? You’re in the right place and I’m glad you’re planning early. Before your new bundle of joy arrives.
When to talk with a maternity and newborn photographer
Did you know that for maternity photographs, it's best to get together in your eighth month (you know, when you're getting really uncomfortable, feeling as big as a house, and still have another four weeks to meet hit newborn miracle)? Or for newborn photographs, it’s best to photograph these little miracles in the first four to ten days after they’re born? It is. Because they’re still so fresh and new and curled up tight. They’re still so sleepy. It’s exhausting work being born!
Pear Tree Photography Atlanta is super flexible about scheduling newborn photography sessions because you never really know when your baby is going to arrive. Let’s make this as stress free as possible, shall we?
Once you book your newborn photography session, just send a text to Kelley letting her know your newborn has arrived and your expected date for returning home. We will set up a morning for Kelley to come to your home within the next three days so we don’t miss that wonderful, sleepy and sweet, squooshy window for photographing your newborn infant. That lovely four to ten day time frame after birth when she will cooperate best with the most breath taking snuggles and delicious yawns.
About your maternity and newborn photography sessions
Your maternity session will be 1-2 hours, depending on how many outfits you want to wear and where you want to go. And your newborn session can last two to three hours, which sounds like a lot at first. But it is really low key and no stress. As it should be. We’re not going to do anything crazy, like hang your baby in a cheese cloth or perch him at the edge of stairs. Newborn photography shouldn’t require spotters, don’t you agree?
Our morning together will be laid back, capturing all of the details that have changed your adult sanctuary into a nursery and newborn wonderland of the tiniest clothes imaginable. And we'll also have plenty of time for breaks, if your little one gets hungry or needs a diaper change. Or just some cuddles and kisses with whispers that they're so loved.
What will your newborn photographer help you remember?
You will have photographs to hold of her little toes, all curled up. And her minuscule fingers, wrapped tightly around your own. There will be time for naps and time for feedings. Time to settle down from the occasional cries that are bound to happen. You will have photographs of your sweet newborn, burrowed into your shoulder. She snuggles in tight because she knows your voice and that you are her safe haven. Because you smell like heaven to her.
For the rest of her life, you will have photographs that remind you of the first few days of her life. When she was so new that you still weren’t sure what color her eyes would be, let alone what her hopes and dreams would be; like becoming a firefighter. Or an artist. Or a big fat eyeball, because it can roll around every where (that’s what my daughter said she would be as a toddler. What can I say? I grow strange people).
These little people...they will continue to surprise us. For years to come. But it’s the very beginning that will slip from our memories faster than anything. When we were sleep deprived and running around like crazy, trying to figure out their every need.
How will you remember all these tiny details?
It will be in the photographs we make and have printed in timeless keepsake albums that will remind you of just how tiny your newborn was when you first brought him home. How incredibly scrumptious he was with that silky little mohawk and the umbilical cord that tied you two physically together for nine months. Photographs that will instantly remind you of the sweet sighs he made as he curled up in your arms.